Episode 40: Ned’s latest “business ideas”


Ned’s latest “business ideas” read like the ramblings of a madman. However, I will admit that the more you get to know Ned the more these all seem eerily plausible:

  • Retire on the winnings from radio contests. The proof-of-concept for this was the one time he won a BlueRay DVD of Deliverance. Seems pretty solid. 
  • Ned wants to have his own Netflix, called Nedflix. So far, Nedflix would show only episodes of Three's Company and Archie Bunker. It’s a niche market. 
  • “Replicas” of Yoko Ono's rock. Ned read some story about Yoko Ono’s rock being stolen, and that it was worth 17k. Later, in his office, he had taken a felt pen and written “Love yourself” across a rock he had just lying around. “I can’t believe people would pay money for this,” he said, pointing to his rock. Well, Ned, they won’t. You’re not Yoko Ono, and why do you have ROCKS IN YOUR OFFICE?
