Episode 43: Ned’s got all kinds of balls


Ned’s got all kinds of balls in buckets. He brought them in to work, to try to give them away, which really means selling them. Mostly, he has buckets and buckets full of golf balls and baseballs. They fill his garage at home. Years ago, and I mean years ago, he made his kids collect them. He considered this a hobby, meaning a money-making scheme, while his kids likely considered it torture. 

“What about child-labour laws?” I say. 
“What would you know,” he retorted with a snort. “You're just a white boy.”  

Three things hit me at once: the first was that Ned was right; the second was that I suddenly understood why Ned made me come along with him to steal liberate the large white buckets from behind the campus eatery; third was that I was now Ned’s hoarding enabler. 

Classic Thursday. 
