Episode 26: It’s early January, and we’re all back from the holidays


It’s early January, and we’re all back from the holidays. Ned and I resume our usual routine of walking to a close-by campus-café for him to “liberate” cream for his Costco hot-chocolate mix, which he’s always trying to push on me with the relentlessness of a cult leader. He’s convinced that it’s not stealing because, in some turn of his labyrinthine logic, it’s covered by his tax dollars. 

“Besides,” he says, “It’s so cold out right now that I need the hot-chocolate to survive.” Like it’s an essential service.

“Remember when it was warm enough to ride in shorts,” I say, wistfully.

“No. I don’t,” he says. “Because I couldn’t ride my bike last summer. Remember why, asshole?”

Happy New Year to me.
